By Yacht

Why is the boat trip to Country Park so breathtaking? It passes through one of the most scenic areas of Moscow region.

The complex is located on the shore of Butakovsky Bay on the Khimkinskoe Reservoir. The Country Park Club marina is equally close to both the city center and Klyazminskoe, Pestovskoe and other reservoirs of Moscow region.  

Welcome to Country Park! Our onshore crew will help you moor! 

19 Panfilova St., 74-75 km MKAD, Khimki 141407, Moscow Region.

The best way to start a new day is to put away the car keys and go by boat!

The modern, well-equipped piers at the Country Park Club Yacht Club are designed for mooring 56 yachts and motorboats. Boats with a length from 5 to 17 m (15 to 50 feet) length and with a draft up to 1.7 m. can be accepted.
Entrance coordinates to the bay: 55 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds north latitude, 37 degrees 26 minutes 04 seconds east longitude.

Map of the entrance to the bay