- In 2015 the medical center “Country Park Clinic” won the first prize in the Good Innovations contest which marks the most successful real estate innovations. The contest is organized by the “Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers” with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
- In 2015 BPS Technology, one of the departments of BPS, won a prestigious award in the field of IT in Germany. The Innovationspreis-IT, which is traditionally given within the framework of the international exhibition of IT and telecommunication CeBIT, marks the most successfully acting IT companies for each of the German states. In 2015 there were more than 5.000 applications submitted for the contest supported by Microsoft.
- In 2015 the residential complex “Left bank oak grove”, which was created in accordance with the principles of the green development, became the winner of the XXIII International Architecture Festival “Zodchestvo”.
- In 2014 Country Park III was recognized the best object of the year and got the annual prize in the field of commercial real estate “CRE Moscow Awards” in the category “Multifunctional complexes”.
- In 2013 the kindergarten created by BPS International won the Green Award in the category “Social sphere objects”. The All-Russian Contest in Green Development and Energy Efficiency “Green Awards” was held within the framework of the International Investment Forum PROEstate. The contest was organized by the “Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers” with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
- In 2013 the residential complex “Left bank oak grove” became the winner of the Green Awards contest in the category “Residential construction”.
- In 2012 Country Park was recognized the best “green” multifunctional center as we won in the category “Multifunctional centers” at the All-Russian Contest in Green Development and Energy Efficiency – “Green Awards”. The contest was organized by the “Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers” with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
- In 2012 the kindergarten created by BPS International became the winner of the Festival of Innovative Technologies in the field of Architecture and Construction “Green Avenue”. The diploma was given to the group of authors of the “Logvinov’s Creative Architectural Studio”.
- In 2012 the “Old Town” project developed by BPS International became the winner of the International Architecture Festival “Zodchestvo 2012”. The architectural development concept of the “Old Town” was awarded the “Silver Sign”.
- In 2010 Country Park II became the winner of the CRE Moscow Awards in the category “Multifunctional complexes”.
- In 2009 the “Chalet Simple Pleasures” restaurant was awarded a diploma by the Russian Academy of Arts for the development of traditions in the modern architecture.
- In 2005 we won the Grand Prize in the category “The best developing company in the market of office property in the Moscow region” at the contest “Business with a plus sign”, which was organized by the International Conference center “ON Conference”.
- In 2005 the Grand Prize “Interlight 2005” was won for the architectural illumination.
- In 2005 we won the Special Jury Prize of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow – for the creation of a comfortable recreation zone.
- In 2004 Country Park became the best project in the field of the commercial property in the Moscow region.
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